As a mature, sophisticated and educated gentleman in the northwest suburbs of Chicago I am disturbed that Kaitlyn Conley is in jail awaiting sentence for Manslaughter. I thought that someone was supposed to be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. After witnessing the December 1st Dateline telecast I can honestly say that Kaitlyn received a bad decision from the jury.
Letter of Support
After watching the Dateline episode regarding your case, I am compelled to reach out to you. There is SO much reasonable doubt in this case, between Adam and William. I truly believe you are an innocent victim. What motive would you have to murder this fine lady that was your mentor? Adam appears to be a total loser, and is definitely NOT worth throwing away your life for.
Letter of Support
The monstrous injustice that has been done to you is horrific. It terrifies me that this could happen to anyone of us. I can only imagine how much pain and devastation this ordeal has caused you. Please know that there are many, many people who believe in you. I have never met you, and yet I feel compelled to write this letter, to defend you, because it is plain to me that you were wrongfully convicted.
Letter of Support
Letter of Support
Letter of Support
I am Mary Yoder's cousin and still can't understand how anyone would want to kill this beautiful woman. But I also don't understand how Kaitlyn could have been convicted of this crime without any motive and no solid evidence. All of the evidence was circumstantial. I followed the second trial as closely as I could from across the country, and it seems that there was an overwhelming amount of reasonable doubt, and it is mind boggling that a jury would convict her.